Friday, May 23, 2008

That's a Wrap!

Movie-star sightings are a part of living in Los Angeles.  I've seen Eric Estrada at our local grocery store from time to time.  John C. Riley once shopped at the retails store where I used to work.  And, thinking she was reintroducing herself to a former work colleague of her husband's, a friend of mine very warmly exchanged hello's with Minnie Driver at the local coffee shop that we frequent.  Oh, and the El Pollo Loco commercial guy visits our dog park.

They are around, here and there, and pretty much they are normal people.  Grocery shopping, out with the dog or kids, grabbing a cup of coffee.  And generally, they are nice - they'll acknowledge a smile or say hello.

My husband works in the film industry and, because of that, he sees stars much more regularly than I do.  And because he sees them regularly, works with them day in and day out (and when I say work with, I mean they are on the same set), he tends to see them as fairly normal - they are just people.  He also gets to see the range of human behavior and the range of star-behavior, some succumbing to the lure of stardom more than others.  He's met some people that have been really cool, really nice to the crew, and he's met some people that spend 20 minutes trying to decide, with their personal assistant, if they want their milkshake NOW or if they want it later, or if maybe they should get the milkshake now and put it in a cooler so they can have it later, unless of course later it is too melted and soupy and the assistant will then need to go get a new milkshake for them later.  Seriously.  20 minutes.

So we see movie stars as a pretty, normal regular part of life.  I'm sure that I pass more famous people than I realize, purely because I don't always know or recognize those who I should be admiring.   And though we aren't often star struck, it's not to say that I'm completely normal, open, or myself when I do encounter those who are famous.

Last night, we attended a wrap party for the movie that Aaron just finished working on.  The party was at a fantastic club in downtown Los Angeles - The Edison - in what used to be a power plant.   They kept much of the original machinery and inner-workings of the power plant, which is awesome, and the decor and atmosphere were amazing, too.  I don't frequent clubs, but this was a pretty nice place.  We milled about for a while, chatting with some of Aaron's coworkers, some familiar, some new to me.  In general it was a nice evening, with a mix of less-fancy, fancy, and more fancy people.  Loud music, drinks, fun and festive people.

Now, the main actor in this movie was Will Smith, and during the entire shoot, I envisioned Aaron having a conversation with Will that would go something like this:

Aaron: Hey Will!  How's it going?
Will: Great, man.  How are you?
The conversation would continue, would somehow come to the topic of dogs, our dog in particular, and Cesar Milan, the Dog Whisperer.  In addition, they would touch on the Fresh Prince of Bel Air, the song Summertime and it's significance to my high school days, and MIB. And then...
Will: Hey, why don't you and your wife come over to our place for dinner sometime?  And bring the dog!
Aaron: Great!

That didn't happen in all 10 weeks of shooting.  Aaron was apparently really busy and didn't have time to have this conversation.

As we walked into the wrap party last night, I had this conversation tucked in the back of my head, wondering if the opportunity would present itself for ME to have this conversation with Will.  Sure enough, as soon as we walked in to the club Aaron said that Will was here.  Since we were still in the foyer, I wondered what sort of magical powers he had to sense Will's presence.  Aaron looked over his shoulder and nodded towards a man I assumed was a bouncer - "That's his bodyguard."  Strange, wouldn't the bodyguard be NEAR his client?  Aaron corrected himself - "That's one of his bodyguards.  You'll know the other one when you see him."

The evening went on as mentioned above, milling, drinking, talking, laughing, but no Will (we walked through the entire place just to see).  As we were getting ready to leave, Aaron calmly mentioned to me that he spotted Will on the other side of the club.  Here was my chance!  Here was my chance for Will to see what great people Aaron and I are and to invite us over for dinner!  It would be swell!  I would be witty and interesting!  This will be great!

As we snaked our way through the room, we eventually came to a cluster of people laughing and talking and merry-making.  Aaron pointed me directly at the cluster until I realized that I was looking at Will Smith.  Once I saw Will, the question was whether or not I wanted to go say Hello to him.  Despite my brave visions of a witty conversation and an invitation to dinner, I was now very much shy and very not sure of what I - little old me - would have to say to HIM.  Why would he want to meet me?  What do I say?  I really love your work?  I think you are great?  Thanks for not being an asshole on set like other movie stars my husband has had to work with?

It took about ten minutes of moving closer and then moving further away, and then closer and then further away, before I finally decided that I should say Hi, when else would I have this opportunity.  And, it would give me something to blog about.  

So, we did it.  I can't really re-capture the conversation because I can't remember much of it.  I was NOT witty nor interesting, but Will Smith was amazingly nice, friendly, kind, and gracious.  And fun.  He recognized Aaron, was interested to meet me, and was just plain nice.  Did I mention how nice he is?  Because he's nice.  I don't know how he does it - I'm sure he spent the entire evening meeting people he doesn't know, taking photos with them, and all the while doing so with ease, with fun, and as if he's genuinely glad to meet you.

There was no invitation to dinner - my friend Jeanette says it's probably only because his schedule is really busy right now.  But I shook his hand, said hello and a few other non-interesting things.

And he was nice.  So normally, genuinely nice.


Yeti said...

1. I do that all the time - think I know celebrities so I go say hi - but really I only know them from their satellite appearance in my living room.
2. I think the "planned conversation" you had was totally logical. I can't believe it did not happen.
3. I LOOOOOOOOOOVE the Edison. We have to go back again together. Amazing.
4. I am pretty much BFF with Matthew Lillard…he comes to my local Starbucks. We are up to a smile and head nod now – I will be house sitting for him and his wife ANY day now.
5. Was Will Smith Nice??? ;-)


Unknown said...

How fun! The only excitement anywhere near that is seeing the local weather man check out in front of me at the grocery store! LOL I guess that's the suburbs of Denver for ya'!

Sounds like a fantastic party!

Perhaps I missed it, but did you have a fabulous dress?!?! I'm sure it would totally envy the red tent I wore when I was 5 months pregnant. ;)

Olivia Hein said...

at any point in your nice conversation, did you drop the line "parents just don't understand"?

i also think it would have been funny if the entire time you were talking to Will, you referred to him as The Fresh Prince. :)

Yeti said...

she did call him "Your Royal Highness" all night - which I think was in reference to him being the fresh prince.

Olivia Hein said...

or even better! it would have been funny if you kept referring to him as DJ Jazzy you never figured out which one was which.
