Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Turkey Day

Besides my excitement for eating lots and lots of food (since I've find myself in a near constant state of hungry these days, even more hungry than when I was pregnant), I'm also pleased to look back on the past year and see how much I have to be thankful. Here are just few...
  • The sound of falling rain and a cool breeze as I fall asleep
  • Sleep, albeit fleeting
  • A big, furry dog that gives me unconditional kisses on the chin and in whose neck I can bury my face
  • A handsome husband who massaged my feet every night of my pregnancy, who rises for every middle of the night feeding (though he's not necessarily coherent upon rising), and who was calm, steady, and excited during the whole process of labor
  • A beautiful labyrinth in the mountains of southern Oregon, for the scent of pine air and for beautiful roads to walk with beautiful companions
  • For learning that god's mercy is womb mercy and learning that god is compassionate
  • For Haven Elizabeth and for being able to welcome her into the world as we stood together in the center of god's mercy, a little scared but okay
  • For Haven Elizabeth and her to-die-for smiles and her to-die-for chubby little thighs and her to-die-for everything
  • For friends and for all the ways - too numerous to name - they have loved us and cared for us over the past year
It is late and I need sleep. Happy Thanksgiving to all four of my readers!

My apologies

It's been a while since I last wrote...I'm sorry. The days just go by so quickly...sigh.