Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Eating my cake

I started this blog three years ago around the time of my birthday.  And my first story was about how someone stole my leftover birthday cake out of the refrigerator at work...stole birthday cake from a pregnant lady.

I'm happy to report that this year, I am eating my cake (well, technically cupcakes) and am happily eating the leftovers, which no one has stolen from me.  Mostly because Haven doesn't know they exist and Aaron is busy working and can't keep up with my rate of consumption.

Three years has gone by quickly.  I'm kind of amazed by how much has changed and yet how much stays the same (for example, I'd still be upset if someone stole my cake...and my pants still don't fit, at least not all of them and not in the same ways).

I'm grateful for you, my audience, for allowing me this space to write and reflect.  I appreciate your kindness and attentiveness to my musings.  And for sticking with me even through blogging droughts...that is, if you are still here?  Anyone reading this anymore?

Anyway, happy birthday to me.  Happy birthday to the blog.  And happy birthday to some truly delicious cupcakes.


Olivia Hein said...

I still ready our blog. :) Do you still read mine? I basically write about food, which is such a change from when I started the blog (when I mostly wrote about boys).

WanderingellimaC said...

yea!!! we're still here. happy birthday!!! maybe erika will send you another cake to replace the one that was stolen ;-)

Kettl said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! May the cupcakes be plentiful. Much love, KT

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday! Glad you have cupcakes to eat!