Friday, October 9, 2009

Talent of the week: Entertaining Zoe

Whether Zoe wants to be or not, Haven is developing quite the talent for entertaining Zoe. It usually involves a lot of shrieking at Zoe, the shriek being some sort of articulation of the word "dog." We think. Other forms of entertainment include: "petting" the dog, using the dog as a step-stool to get onto the couch, kissing the dog, and crawling over, under, and around the dog. Thankfully, Zoe is more than patient. Her reward comes at meal times, when she lays under Haven's high chair waiting for the food to drop. And drop it does.


Yeti said...

:) haven is so good with zoe...and zoe is even better with haven!!

Magnetic Monkey said...

I think I speak on behalf of all your readers when I say we need more video!! :)